【活動轉知】她創未來:揭開女性引領生命科學和科技創新的力量 Inside Women Leading Life Sciences and Tech: She Creates the Future | Co-hosted by Nucleate Taiwan and TTA
【活動資訊】她創未來:揭開女性引領生命科學和科技創新的力量 Inside Women Leading Life Sciences and Tech: She Creates the Future | Co-hosted by Nucleate Taiwan and TTA
這場活動 超適合 你!
我們邀請了 三位超厲害的女性創業家,她們從心理學、生技、新藥研發一路走來,突破偏見、挑戰極限,帶你走進科技創新的世界!
業界直通交流:與產業代表面對面,了解實習 & 職涯機會!
人脈 + 夢想雙收:結交志同道合的朋友,一起探索未來可能!
活動時間:2025 年 3 月 7 日 (五) 18:00 - 21:10
活動地點:TTA 3F 階梯講演廳
參加對象:女性學生、產業女性優先,對科技 & 創業有興趣的你一定要來!
TTA “She Creates the Future” Women’s Power Event: Unveiling the Power of Women Leading Life Science and Technological Innovation
Want to enter the life science & technology industry but don’t know where to start?
Want to hear how women overcome challenges and bravely pursue their dreams?
This event is perfect for YOU!
We’ve invited three super awesome female entrepreneurs who have come from backgrounds in psychology, biotech, and new drug development. They’ve broken through stereotypes, challenged limits, and will take you into the world of technological innovation!
Event Highlights
Inspiring Stories of Women in Tech: How did they start from scratch and gradually enter the life science and technology industries?
Direct Access to the Industry: Face-to-face interaction with industry representatives to learn about internships & career opportunities!
Networking + Dreams Fulfilled: Make like-minded friends and explore future possibilities together!
Date: March 7th, 2025
Time:6-9 pm
Address:Taiwan Tech Arena 3F階梯區 10553台北市松山區南京東路四段2號 (南區入口 靠iStage前的樓梯)
Language: Mandarin
RSVP: https://lu.ma/yq8yi7xs
Free admission, limited spots! Register now